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The GORDIC spol. s.r.o. company

We are a leading developer and supplier of information systems. Our activities involve the area of information systems, cybernetic security, and Internet of Things. We specialise in the development and supply of software, including a comprehensive user support.

We provide the KYBEZ platform that is based on the gratuitous, voluntary, and efficient cooperation of the professional academic, public, and media institutions and independent specialised commercial companies from the area of information and telecommunication technologies.

In the area of Internet of Things, we are active particularly in the technologies for smart buildings through our subsidiary HDL Automation s. r. o.

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Me at GORDIC company

I joined the GORDIC company as a Senior SW Developer at .NET and JavaScript / TypeScript technology in March 2017. I work on thin client of Document Service, what is part of GINIS® system. Besides Document Service I participated on an application what is used for online requests for grants and determines theirs order without necessary waiting in line in front of the Office.

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